Athens Dog Training School

Why train your dog?

With our dogs we live 10, 15 or even 20 years together, so it is worth taking the time to train them, but also train ourselves, to enjoy their companionship to the fullest.

Dogs are a different species from humans and therefore have their own special needs and natural instincts. They communicate differently than we humans do, and we may not like many of their usual behaviors. When we bring an adult dog or puppy into our home and life, we ask them to alter their behavior, many of which are normal to them. We need not only to teach them how to integrate into the new environment, but we also need to learn about their needs so that we can accommodate them and adjust our expectations to have the best possible outcome for both of us.

If we do not train them we may experience problematic behaviors that will be more difficult to alter as they get older.




Why training your dog with Dog Society?

You are fully participating in the process

We teach you how to train your dog. The handler needs to be not only part of the training environment but the core of it.

Home and personalized lessons

Training takes place there where the dog and the handler are living. Every course is tailored to your needs.

Flexible booking

You can book a lesson even for the next day online.

Free evaluation

First meeting is for free to discuss your needs and evaluate the current behaviors.

Easy monitor, planning and guidance online

You gain access to training information and detailed preparation steps through your profile on our site.

Free evaluation

First meeting is for free. There we are discussing your needs and evaluate the current relationship. Once evaluation is completed you will receive a written proposed plan about how we are going to work and many more information concerning the training.

Book your free evaluation now!