I came across this post on Facebook where it's promoting the idea to make your dog seek/hunt for his food and explains why.
The core of this argument finds me 100% on their side.
But as every choice we make, this also has some pitfalls.
Read their post on Facebook here:
Observations show that many animals, including dogs will prefer to forage, hunt and actively seek out food rather than just having it freely available or presented in a bowl.
This behaviour is known as Contrafreeloading and is an occurrence where an animal will choose to put effort and work into seeking out food rather than eat food that is available for far less or no effort.
This may not make any sense to us – why go to all that effort when you could just have the food that is presented to you? Or why make my dog work for a basic need, you may ask? Surely that’s just not fair?
Foraging, hunting and seeking out food are natural, instinctive behaviours which are vital for the survival of any species. Even though our domesticated dogs don’t have to worry about this, this innate need for seeking is still a part of who they are.
In addition to this, seeking out food creates an increase in Dopamine – the feel-good hormone. It’s the pursuit of an opportunity, the excitement, the satisfaction and the sense of achievement and not the actual eating of the food that causes these feel-good emotions.
We control so much of our dog’s lives and in our modern lifestyles and environment many dogs have very little opportunity to engage in natural behaviours.
Why not use food as an outlet to provide enrichment and allow them to engage in a very natural behaviour while increasing feel good hormones?"
I find this idea has a good base, but has its downsides. Once you teach your dogs to "hunt" for their food, this behaviour will be transferred/generalized easily while outdoors. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in environments where we have limited or no control. And for sure I wouldn't like my dog to search for food on our walks - especially in Greece where poisoned food is deliberately left to kill stray animals - or even finding my dog around garbage bags.
On the contrary, my suggestion is to pair a scent game with feeding. This works also with obedience.
I find the idea that dogs need to work over their food very basic and normal.
So I will teach them to work for me in order to access their food.
Food is not for free in nature, and every animal needs to put some effort to acquire it.
Starting from a young age, I will feed my dogs during training, socialization or playing sessions and I will keep it that way till the end.
Food can be a really high motivator, especially if you cannot access it for free.
I will feed additionally my dog in a bowl daily, but this is also paired with some kind of work. Make it be crate training, restriction or impulse control exercises.