Dogs and Humans
In this photo you see two species, a human and a dog. The human has approximately 1 billion neurons in their brain while the canine has appoximately 500 million. This is a comparison of the two species and the silly expectations people place on dogs:
1) Human - Given two plus years to accomplish potty training.
1) Canine - Human wants canine potty trainined in two weeks or they will have to...
PAWSOME: Your best friend's playground at public market in Kipseli on 17 September
Saturday 17/9 Dog Society will participate in PAWSOME: Your best friend's playground that will take place at Public Market of Kipseli
It will be an event dedicated to our 4leg friends.
Pets and handlers will have the opportunity to find anything they or their pet wsh for. There will be treats and fresh food, pet equipment, toys and grooming services.
Along with other proffesionals; Dog Society...
Crate training and restrictions
What is crate training?
With the term crate training, we refer to the process where the dog gets conditioned to use the crate without feeling stressed.
This can be done easier if you start in early stages, but it is not limited to young age per se.
How it helps us and the dog?
Potty training, it helps the puppy to control its toilet habits.
It provides peace of mind to the handlers while they...
Dogs and noise sensitivity (Fireworks & thunders)
Is your dog afraid of fireworks or thunders?
Fear of firework and thunder often leads to similar reactions in dogs, ranging from milder symptoms such as hiding, awkward walking or whining, to uncontrolled toilet accidents in the house, chewing furniture, and even vomiting.
Noise phobia could have very serious consequences [more pets in the US are lost around July 4 than at any other time during...
Safe ways to exercise puppies and young dogs
If you have one or more puppies you would have noticed several times during the day that they go "crazy", whirl, run non-stop or jump left and right. Puppies generally have more energy than adult dogs and thus need more relaxation.
Puppies are small, hairy balls that need exercise to stay healthy, but too much exercise is not good for them. It is crucial to know that excessive, prolonged activity...
Rewarding during training
The rewarding process in training has 2 distinct stages.
Starting with continuous reinforcement where the dog learns that for every positive response he receives some kind of reward, we move on to the partial or intermittent reinforcement.
In this second stage of the partial reinforcement, we change the delivery time of the reward depending on the response of the trainee.
In the following video...
SaR training with victim hidden high
Another weekend with SaR training in the mountains around Athens.
The first video shows our exercise about teaching the dog that the target scent can be on an altitude, and of course it starts by putting the victim a few inches higher and gradually increasing the altitude to the point we see in this video.
The second video shows our exercise in testing the behavior of a dog when it doesn'...
Off leash walks
Watching people every day with their dogs having their walk off leash drove me to write few thoughts about it.
Asking several of them why they choose to do this, the dominant answer was that they believe their dog doesn’t enjoy the walk on leash because they are not able to run and play. That's true but...
The vast majority of these dogs have not learned the recall and the most common end of...
Search and Rescue Dream Team Certification
After training with Mira (22 months old BS Malinois) for about a year building up separate behaviors, we decided to join in the SaR training camp that took place in Athens and lasted 3 months under the supervision of Mr. Borut Modic.
On 27, 28 and 29 of November 2020 we had the certification exams for the first 3 levels, and we successfully completed all of them.
The certification exams were as...
When should i start training my dog?
In the first weeks after its birth, the mother will take care of teaching our puppy the basic rules. Then, as he becomes more independent, spending time with his siblings will set some additional rules. At the age of 8-9 weeks he will be ready to move to his new family.
For those who have never had a dog, puppy pre-training course will give them the information they need to smoothly integrate the...