Dog Training

When does training end?

  • When will my dog's training be ​​complete?
  • How long do I have to do the training exercises?
  • When will I stop rewarding my dog?


Several students ask me the above questions.

Many professional trainers give the wrong impression that after 12-16 lessons the dog will be ready to handle any situation. That there is no reason to continue the exercises, since the dog has learned what it needs to.

I wonder if this happens to humans.

Crate training and restrictions

What is crate training?

With the term crate training, we refer to the process where the dog gets conditioned to use the crate without feeling stressed.

This can be done easier if you start in early stages, but it is not limited to young age per se.


How it helps us and the dog?

Search and Rescue Dream Team Certification

After training with Mira (22 months old BS Malinois) for about a year building up separate behaviors, we decided to join in the SaR training camp that took place in Athens and lasted 3 months under the supervision of Mr. Borut Modic.

On 27, 28 and 29 of November 2020 we had the certification exams for the first 3 levels, and we successfully completed all of them.

The certification exams were as following:

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